Walled Lake Campus
Our oldest and main campus, Walled Lake houses our main church offices, two worship centers and our Preschool through Grade 8 St. Matthew Lutheran School. We offer a variety of worship services, Bible Studies, Groups and activities at Walled Lake!
Walled Lake hosts events such as VBS, Trunk or Treat, Summer Nights and the annual School Musical. In addition we offer classes and Christmas and Easter celebrations for our International Friends.
Come worship with us and connect with us! You are always welcome to worship at either of our campuses!
Our Location & Services
We currently offer two Sunday morning worship services: 8:45 a.m. (Blended Worship in our main worship center) and 11 a.m. (Prayer and Praise Worship in the gym).
2040 S. Commerce Road
Walled Lake, MI 48390
Church: 248-624-7676
School: 248-624-7677
Fax: 248-624-0685
Email: [email protected]
Worship at the Walled Campus
We offer two worship service styles at Walled Lake.

Blended Worship
Blended Worship incorporates the basics of traditional liturgy and a mix of traditional hymns and contemporary worship music that includes a variety of instruments, including organ and piano. Traditional sanctuary and altar remind us of ancient, meaningful traditions. Come as you are – you will see all varieties of dress in our Blended worship services. On Sundays kids have the option to attend Children’s Church during the message. Holy Communion is offered on the first, third and fifth Sundays of the month.
Walled Lake Campus Main Worship Center
Sundays at 8:45 am
Livestream of Sunday 8:45 am service is here and recordings are available here.

Prayer & Praise Worship
Prayer and Praise Worship is a contemporary format with a praise band and congregant participation. Singers and a worship leader guide the worship service from a simple altar with praise songs, scripture reading and prayer, while pastors provide the message and sacraments. Dress is casual. Kids have the option of attending Children’s Church during the message. Holy Communion is offered on the second and fourth Sundays of the month.
Walled Lake Campus Gym
Sundays at 11 am
The Walled Lake campus also offers…

Bible Study Hour
At 10 am, in between our 8:45 am and 11 am worship services at Walled Lake, we offer an Adult Bible Study Hour (main worship center), a Youth Bible Class (basement youth room), and children’s Bible Adventure for kids ages 4 – 5th grade (room 304). During this time each group studies a book of the Bible or biblical topic, and learns what it means for our lives today.
We also offer a Coffee and Fellowship Hour during these same times for people who want to check in on each other with love and a cup of coffee!
During the summer and on holiday weekends, our schedules can vary, so connect with us by signing up for our weekly eNews for the most up to date schedules. The eNews will also tell you the current Bible Study topics.
Weekly Youth Gatherings
Getting together every week during the school year is how we tell our youth that they are valued members of a loving church family. In these gatherings, youth are loved, supported and recharged for the week ahead! Youth in grades 6-8 and 9-12 are invited to join us for a devotion, a snack and games – and friends are always welcome! Summer months offer fun alternatives to these regular gatherings.
High Schooler “Sunday Night Gatherings”: Youth in grades 9-12 meet Sunday evenings, 7-8:30 pm, at our Walled Lake campus.
Middle Schooler “Wild Wednesdays”: Youth in grades 6-8 meet Wednesday evenings, 7-8:30 pm, at our Walled Lake campus.

How can we help?
We’d love to hear from you. Get in touch with us.