Experience “The Story”
Journey through the Bible with us!

Our St. Matthew family has started a journey through The Story, a narrative of the Bible as one continuing story of God and His people. We are diving into how God goes to great lengths to rescue lost and hurting people. We are studying God’s great love affair with humanity! The Bible is a true story, filled with intrigue, drama, conflict, romance and redemption. Come along with us on the journey through The Story!
Our sermons from January 5 until May 18 will focus on chapters from the book, which correspond with stories from scripture. Every member of the family is encouraged to read along with their own version of the book.
- Go to our Series page if you want to catch up on sermons you may have missed! You will find each week’s worship service there!
- Watch services live on our YouTube channel, Sundays at 8:45am and other special services during Lent and Holy Week!
Books for adults, teens and children are available during worship each week, with a reading plan bookmark included. If you are able to make a small donation for the book, please do. If not, please accept it as our gift. (Those who already own the book can use the book they have and just pick up a bookmark to keep up with the scheduled readings!) Kindle and Audible books are also available to purchase, if you prefer.
You can find the Reading Plan in various places. Reading Plan bookmarks are provided with books at the Welcome Centers. Printable versions of the Reading Plan may be downloaded:
Many Life Groups are participating in a more in depth study of The Story as well. Additionally, Sunday groups are available at each campus during Bible Study hour (9am Wixom and 10am Walled Lake). How can you get involved with others in our church community or in your neighborhood to dive deeper? Contact Patrick Tincher if you’d like to facilitate or participate in a group!
Our School children received copies of the book and will be participating with their classes also. It’s an exciting time for all of us to be working our way through the Bible in this way! How can you facilitate discussions with your kids each week? What a great opportunity to have dialogue with your children of all ages!
We are excited for this journey with you! The page will be the place you can come for updates on our progress through The Story. Check back for regular updates on this page – links to the reading plan and messages and other resources for you.
Book Distribution
Books will be available at the Welcome Centers before and after worship as well as during Youth Bible Study and Bible Adventure. Students of St. Matthew Lutheran School will receive their books at school. If you already own the book, you may certainly use it – you do not need to get a new one.
- Adults will receive a book that includes a Reading Plan bookmark. We are asking for a small $5 donation for adult books. If you are unable to make a donation, please accept it as our gift. Extra Reading Plan bookmarks are available for those who already own the book.
- In Bible Study, Middle School and High School Youth will be using the Teen/Student edition of the book, which has the same text as the adult version, formatted specifically for teens. Books will be available at the Welcome Centers and in Bible Study and will include a Reading Plan bookmark. Please accept these books as our gift. (Please note that the new version of the book has a blue cover.)
- Our St. Matthew School students who are in middle school will be receiving The Story for Kids.
- Children will receive a complimentary book in Bible Adventure or at the Welcome Centers according to their grade level, with the following guidelines (reminder – school students will receive their copy in class):
- The Story for Little Ones – Preschool – Grade 1
- The Story for Children – Grade 2 – Grade 3
- The Story for Kids – Grade 4 – 8
- (Note: Sunday Youth Bible Study with Mr. Welte – which includes Middle School students – will be using The Story for Teens)