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World Vision Global 6K for Water


Saturday, May 17, 2025

On Saturday, May 17th at 9am, we'll be hosting church, school, and community members and providing them with the opportunity to walk, run, or roll 6K to provide clean water for children across the world. 6km is the average distance a woman or child will need to travel to fetch water in the developing world--and this water is often dirty, infected with parasites, and will cause disease. By participating in this event, we're providing clean water solutions that will keep kids safe, keep kids in school, keep kids healthy, provide better hygiene and healthcare, and bring economic opportunity right into a community--all motivated by the love of Christ, our living water.

Join us for World Vision’s Global #6KforWater at Hiram Sims Park in Walled Lake on May 17 at 9 am! You can walk, run, or roll your way to the finish line in this fun, family-friendly event. Your $50 registration fee helps provide someone in need with lasting access to clean water through World Vision projects. If you're 18 or younger, you can register for just $25 thanks to our amazing donors!

Will you be out of town or otherwise unable to join us at Hiram Sims Park that weekend? (We know camping season is starting!) No worries! As a "virtual participant" you can still join thousands around the globe from your own front door, in your neighborhood, at your campground or on a treadmill—get creative! We will all be part of a community creating awareness and supporting the mission of providing clean water to families around the world!

Click here to register (orange "Join Our Team" button) or head directly to http://teamworldvision.org/team/stmatthew6k

Let's gather together for fun, fellowship, and for a GREAT CAUSE! Invite your family and friends to participate with you, to donate, to cheer for you, or to pray for you!

Are you ready?! We'd love to have you on our team as a St. Matthew World Changers - 6K Edition participant or supporter!


Read more about World Vision and the Global 6K for Water HERE!


9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Contact: Thomas Czinder