Scholastic Book Fair

April 29 - May 4, 2024
- Monday, April 29, 12:45–4:30
- Tuesday, April 30, through Friday, May 3, 9-11:45 and 12:45-4:00
- Friday, May 3, and Saturday, May 4, from 5:30 pm until the beginning of the play and for 30 minutes after the play.
For the in-school book fair, we will accept three types of payments: checks made out to St. Matthew Lutheran School, EWallet, and FACTS.
If you choose to write a check, please remember that not all the books your child has on their wishlist will be available in the hub, and taxes need to be included in the total amount. This means that you could write the check out for more or less than what will be spent.
If you choose Ewallet, know that any money not used at the book fair can be used throughout the year at the scholastic site online.
If you use FACTS, all items will be charged to your FACTS account, and you will receive a handwritten receipt and a cash register receipt of money spent at the fair for purchases.
Please make sure to note your preferred payment method on your child's wish list. If your preferred method is FACTS, your signature on the back of the wish list form is your approval for your child's items to be charged to your FACTS account. Please be aware that without a parent's signature authorizing the use of FACTS, your child cannot purchase their items that day.
Your child will receive information about the book fair in the next few weeks. If you are interested in shopping any day after school, please do one of the following:
- Inform your child’s teacher of the date and time you wish to shop at the book fair.
- Email Anna Pelepchuk at library-st.matthew.org with your name, child’s grade, date, and time you would like to shop at the book fair. Please put “URGENT” in the subject line of your email.
- Fill out the invitation that will be sent home with your child and return it to the school office, where it will be placed in the library mailbox.
Online shopping starts on Monday, April 29 through Sunday, May 12. You can purchase items by going to https://www.scholastic.com/bf/stmatthewslutheranschool2. You can also connect your personal scholastic account with our school and earn scholastic dollars for the school all year long. Click on the QR code.
12:45 - 5:00 pm
2040 S. Commerce Road
Walled Lake,
United States
Contact: St. Matthew Lutheran School